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June 19, 2008
Taliban Able To Take Villages. Hold On To Them? Not So Much
Well, that didn’t take long.
Afghan and NATO forces using air power cleared Taliban militants from villages near the strategic city of Kandahar, killing at least 56 Islamist insurgents, officials said Thursday.
Troops were now making a final search of houses in Arghandab district, a day after around 1,000 soldiers launched a huge offensive against the rebels, said the defence ministry and the NATO-led International Security Assistance force.
…"Arghandab district is totally cleared of the enemy presence," defence ministry spokesman General Mohammad Zahir Azimi said at a joint press conference in Kabul with NATO officials.
Fifty-six "enemies" were killed, mostly foreigners, while a number of others were wounded, Azimi added, in a likely reference to militants crossing from neighbouring Pakistan.
Also seriously wounded in the fighting was the conventional wisdom that we are losing in Afghanistan and that operations in Iraq are making it easier for the Taliban to regain power.

posted by DrewM. at
12:33 PM
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