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While My Plastic Ukulele Gently Weeps [dri] »
June 24, 2008
Evening News Roundup (genghis)
1. U.K. “Lunch Box Police.”
The U.K. falls even further into the dark pits of stupidity with this:
”Under the Government's obesity strategy, all schools will be expected to design a "healthy lunchbox policy" on what makes a nutritional packed lunch over the next year.
Some parents may even be asked to sign a form agreeing to ban unhealthy foods from their children's lunches.
If a packed lunch is deemed to contain too much fat and sugar, parents could be sent warning letters or their children's meals confiscated.”
“Hand over the contraband, Johnny.” Also, apparently in the home country, lunch ladies are called “dinner ladies.” Maybe it has something to do with Greenwich Mean Time.
2. Margaret Cho Even Unfunny at a GBLT Concert
Or is it LGBT? Or BLT with G on the side, in a ramekin. Who knows. But she managed to even offend this reviewer of a "True Colors Tour"/diversity concert. (yeah, it was in Oklahoma, but the reviewer seemed otherwise sympathetic to the overall cause).
Mostly aging rockers(?) with Cyndi Lauper headlining, also including the B-52s and Joan Jett, plus many more. High point (to me anyway) was apparently the bikini-topped and still rock-hard abbed Jett at aged 50(!). Do ya' wanna touch...well maybe.
Regarding Cho:
"She seemed to think that just because half of her audience was GLB or T, every joke had to contain the "D" word or the "P" word and that the GLBTs wouldn't understand any other form of humor.
I, for one, was disappointed that she chose to perpetuate the negative stereotype that all homosexuals are sex-crazed, drug-abusing extremists. She has loads of comedic talent but needs to work up some new material. The shock factor will only take you so far."
Loads of comedic talent? Which "D" word by the way? Link used to require registration, but not sure these days.
And finally,
3. ”Naked Cowboy” Can Sue Makers of M&M’s
At least according to this article by a news organization with a “C” and a couple of “N”s in its name.
“An underpants-clad New York guitarist known as the "Naked Cowboy" can proceed with his trademark infringement lawsuit against the maker of M&Ms and its ad agency, a New York judge has ruled.”
“Robert Burck has become a fixture in Times Square for playing the guitar dressed in a white cowboy hat, white cowboy boots and white underpants while tourists pose with him for pictures and slip money into his boots.”
“In February, the street performer filed a lawsuit against Mars Inc. and Chute Gerdeman Inc., after they released a video billboard showing a guitar-playing blue M&M dressed in a white cowboy hat, cowboy boots and underpants.”
All I have to say is, Jon Voight is looking really buff these days. Attempts to interview him were repeatedly interrupted by a deranged man in the intersection randomly yelling at taxicabs “Hey! I’m walkin’ here!!!”
posted by xgenghisx at
11:19 PM
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