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Oh, For Crying out Loud... »
June 10, 2008
"Cornhole: The Movie"
In case you don't know, "Cornhole" is a game played with, um, children, very popular in the Midwest, especially around Cincinnati, where this vile "activity" started. Bengals Quarterback Carson Palmer is a big proponent of playing "cornhole" with your children. (That post is fake, but the graphic at the end is real -- he really was advertising the Carson Palmer Cornhole Classic, and inviting your children to enjoy the pleasures of "cornhole.")
In case you don't know what "cornhole" really is -- it's just tossing a bag (sometimes filled with cornmeal) through a hole in a board for points. You can get your first "cornhole" experience -- online and anonymous, with no chance of disease or awkward fumblings -- via this shockwave cornhole game.
Why they called this "cornhole" I have no idea.
Thanks to Chuck.