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June 24, 2008
"This is the kind of spontaneous publicity - your name in print - that makes people. I'm in print! Things are going to start happening to me now" *
OK, I'll admit it. Sometimes, when I'm bored, I'll self-google and see where my posts are being talked about. Usually, it's linked by someone I know from the comments section here at Ace's, but sometimes we have a newbie wander in and then leave to spread the Gospel of Russ throughout the Intarwebthingys.
I had a couple of people link to my piece about flooding & tornados in Iowa from a couple of weeks ago, and my stuff about representing Teh Fred! at the Iowa Caucus got a little bit of heat around the web as well. And the bacon eating contest? It got some exposure, but mainly due to the tireless promotion I got from mesablue over at "The Hostages". That boy sure looooves his bacon.
A few days ago, I wrote a piece about Chris Dodd discussing his recent involvement with Countrywide Financial and relating a story about his blatant pandering to Iowa voters back in the Fall of 2007. Little did I know that my post would be excerpted in the comments of THIS BLOG. (The post & it's content aren't NSFW, but the blog's title might raise a few eyebrows, so take care hitting the link at work.)
I like you morons. I like the fact that Ace trusts me enough to let me post stuff on his blog without previewing it first. I like the spirited debate we have over serious issues. Hell, I even like it when trolls try to poke holes in my arguments (especially when they come to Ace's on the short bus, ifyouknowwhatImeanandIthinkyoudo). But what I REALLY like is when some stranger finds my work and likes it enough to cut & paste and show it off to a whole different intarwebthingy clique. It's like they're allowing me to come into their village & impregnate their womenfolk, so that my progeny will live and flourish under their protection. Or something like that.
* One month's free subscription to the AoSHQ for anyone who can spot the quote. If you're already a subscriber, we'll have Gabe stop by and detail your car or mow your yard. Either way, you're a winner.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
12:14 PM
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