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PETA's Self-Parody »
June 03, 2008
2005 "Hurricane Predictions indicate Global Warming will kill us all" - 2008 "Those Assholes with the Hurricane Models are full of crap"
Remember the heyday of weather doomsaying? Just a few years ago, we were inundated with predictions that weather patterns, juiced up with global warming and a dash of our toxifying of the world's oceans, were going to kill us all within a decade? Hurricanes stronger than ususal? Global warming. A rash of tornados tearing through Kansas & Oklahoma? Global warming. An April snowstorm killing Iowa's alfalfa crop and delaying planting of the corn crop? Global warming. (Global warming being blamed for a snowstorm? Forget it, he's on a roll.)
My how the mighty have fallen.
Now that Dr. Gray from the Hurricane Forecast Center has gone on the record with the opinion that Global Warming is mostly alarmist hype, I'm sure that we're going to see plenty of Soviet Style airbrushing of all his prior work. But don't you dare question their scientificalness. They all have many leather-bound books, which smell of rich mahogany.
UPDATE: Commenter Tex brings up a good point in the comments. My intention in this post was to point out the fact that Dr. Gray is being ostracized by the Cardinals of the Church of Global Warming because of his higher profile since Hurricane Katrina. If he was just another professor at Colorado State University, his heresy could go under the radar, but since his computer modeling of hurricanes has been higher profile since 2005, he must be silenced. I didn't realize that he has always been a skeptic, but I do remember hearing that Colorado State recently decided to defund his Hurricane Prediction Center, and he was charging that his skepticism was the #1 factor in that action.
Anyway, don't construe this as a slap at Dr. Gray's credibility. As far as I know, he's a stand-up guy.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
01:06 AM
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