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June 03, 2008
Mass. Hits Citizens Who Refuse to Buy Health Insurance With Fines
... those that can "afford it".
It comes in the form of a loss of the $219 personal exemption on state income taxes, but by December could accrue to almost $1000 per person.
The money is already being put to good use.
A total of $9.7 million in fines was deposited into a trust fund to help cover the cost of the law. Monthly penalties for those who can afford health care but refuse will jump and could total as much as $912 for individuals by December.
How much will it cost to implement this law?
In 2006, a legislative committee estimated the law would cost about $725 million in the fiscal year starting in July. In his budget, Patrick set aside $869 million, but those overseeing the law have already acknowledged costs will rise even higher.
No worries though. They're gonna make up the shortfall with a buck per pack increase on smokes.
On the plus side I've heard Massachusetts is really pretty in the fall. So they got that going for them, which is nice.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:43 AM
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