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June 18, 2008
McCain finally gets it? Wants to lift federal restrictions on Oil companies. [Aurvant]
I would have never believed it if I had not read it for myself.
Apparently the guy does listen when people scream loud enough. Perhaps with the constant bombardment of "Drill here, Drill now!" ringing in his ears day after day he has finally awakened to the real world. Just last week I heard McCain say, on the Today show, that he thought that drilling here in America was a bad idea and that we needed to find alternate solutions to reduce out dependency on foreign oil.
Oh, what a week can do for a guy:
In a major energy speech that implicitly criticizes Vice President Dick
Cheney, who dismissed conservation as a "personal virtue" in 2001,
McCain was to call for a variety of means to increase production,
including lifting a federal ban on offshore oil and gas drilling and
building refineries and nuclear reactors.
Could it be? Could he really be serious this time? Possibly. McCain skimps out on his plans for conservation and what federal measures might be taken to enforce conservation, but at least it looks like a step in the right direction.
I mean, he even told the Oil companies he was willing to do it:
Instead, McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, was to provide
Houston oil executives with more details of his proposal to lift the
federal moratorium on offshore oil and gas exploration in states that
want it. McCain's position is welcome news for the oil industry.
In the states that want it. That includes Alaska, and that includes ANWR.
If he means it, and I mean
really means it then he might have an ever greater chance at beating Obama come this November.
Update [Ace]: I may have missed something, but this proposal doesn't include ANWR, which is not "offshore," or at least it's not covered. ANWR is covered by a specific moratorium, different from the ban on offshore drilling, and I haven't heard McCain say he wants to lift the ANWR moratorium. Quite the opposite. He keeps comparing it, dufusiously, to the Grand Canyon.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:10 AM
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