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June 19, 2008
Dark Triad: Combination of Narcissim, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy Helped James Bond Get Pussy Galore
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang:
A "dark triad" of unpleasant personality traits lie behind James Bond's success as a womaniser, say researchers.
Two studies suggest that men who are narcissistic, psychopathic and Machiavellian tend to have large numbers of sexual conquests.
The traits are said to be epitomised in Ian Fleming's fictional secret agent with a licence to kill, 007.
Scientists believe the reproductive success of "dark triad" men explains why the traits persist in the human population, despite the harm they can cause.
Narcissists are self obsessed and manipulative, psychopaths are impulsive, thrill-seeking and callous, and people with a Machiavellian nature are deceitful and exploitative. There is evidence that the traits have an up-side - they lead to men having a prolific sex life and fathering more offspring. As a result, they have not been "weeded out" by natural selection.
Those who scored higher on the "dark triad" personality traits [as found in a survey] tended to have more partners and more desire for short flings....
Dr Jonason.... said James Bond encapsulated the "dark triad" traits. He told New Scientist magazine: "He's clearly disagreeable, very extroverted, and likes trying new things - killing people, new women."
Shock: Dicks Get More Tail.
Psychopathy? Really?
It actually sounds like this is just extroverted sociopathy or even just plain old being a bastard. They really seem to be overselling the "dark triad' thing with that "psychopathy." Isn't it enough to be sociopathic without wanting to butcher people and wear their genitals as hats?
Thanks to Arthur.