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June 30, 2008
Obama Gives Speech On Patriotism
It's being billed as a major speech but listening to it now, it's pretty much about Obama and how "I will never question the patriotism of others in this campaign. And I will not stand idly by when people question mine.”
Now he's into the 'American can be made better' is really patriotism stuff.
Fearless prediction...Andrew Sullivan will LOVE this speech.
He does have a lapel pin on. I can't tell if it's one of those false patriotism flag pins or not.
He's broken it down to 3 elements...a 'gut love of country', a willingness to speak up when the government is wrong and sacrifice/service.
There's absolutely nothing new or interesting about this speech but it will be hailed as some sort of revelation about what it means to be patriotic.
In the sacrifice section he takes a swipe at Wesley Clark, without naming him, for his remarks on McCain.
You can read the speech here.
One favorite quote:
And it is up to us to teach our children a lesson that those of us in politics too often forget: that patriotism involves not only defending this country against external threat, but also working constantly to make America a better place for future generations.
When we pile up mountains of debt for the next generation to absorb, or put off changes to our energy policies, knowing full well the potential consequences of inaction, we are placing our short-term interests ahead of the nation’s long-term well-being. When we fail to educate effectively millions of our children so that they might compete in a global economy, or we fail to invest in the basic scientific research that has driven innovation in this country, we risk leaving behind an America that has fallen in the ranks of the world. Just as patriotism involves each of us making a commitment to this nation that extends beyond our own immediate self-interest, so must that commitment extends beyond our own time here on earth.
Enacting a Democratic domestic agenda is the highest form of patriotism!
This was interesting...
That is the liberty we defend – the liberty of each of us to pursue our own dreams. That is the equality we seek – not an equality of results, but the chance of every single one of us to make it if we try. That is the community we strive to build – one in which we trust in this sometimes messy democracy of ours, one in which we continue to insist that there is nothing we cannot do when we put our mind to it, one in which we see ourselves as part of a larger story, our own fates wrapped up in the fates of those who share allegiance to America’s happy and singular creed.
Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.
If only he meant the liberty part. It's somewhat at odds with his collectivist and redistributionist policy prescriptions.

posted by DrewM. at
12:29 PM
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