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June 14, 2008
PTSD, or just Plain Crazy? Vet vs Vampire! [krakatoa]
Ex-sailor gets book thrown at him for his part in an assault of a "vampire".
I know, the last thing I open-blogged was about the undead. Am I being paranoid, or is there something going on out there the we just don't want to admit?
Who's really crazy?
Stephen Walters was high on a mixture of painkillers, amphetamines, cocaine and LSD when he and two friends beat, burned and attempted to poison an acquaintance in the Colonial National Park in September, Walters' lawyer said Tuesday.
Ok, I admit that sounds pretty crazy.
Walters and two others admitted to stabbing their friend Jonathan Barron, lighting him on fire and using a meat marinade injector in an attempt to poison him with a mixture of Barbicide, a disinfectant used in salons, and silver thermal compound, an electronics adhesive...
Walters told the judge that Davidson selected the liquid cocktail for its vampire-killing properties.
You have to admit -- He was at least semi-rational. Some experts assert that you need to use silver to kill the undead. Maybe Walters was the one thinking clearly in all this.
Remember, just in case -- they can only come in if you invite them.

Can I come in?

posted by xgenghisx at
02:45 PM
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