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June 06, 2008
Seattle May Outlaw Beach Bonfires to Reduce Risk of Wildfilres Global Warming
I sort of like this. Let's let people know before we destroy our economy precisely the sort of draconian restrictions the Global Warming Alarmists have in mind.
But Seattle Parks and Recreation might do what even this week's chilly weather couldn't -- douse the long tradition of beach bonfires at Alki and at Golden Gardens.
Park department staff is recommending reducing bonfires at the two beaches this summer and possibly banning them altogether next year.
The park board will hear the recommendation Thursday, and the city plans to run public-service announcements and hand out brochures later this month about the effects of bonfires on global warming.
According to a memo to the park board from the staff released Thursday, "The overall policy question for the Board is whether it is good policy for Seattle Parks to continue public beach fires when the carbon ... emissions produced by thousands of beach fires per year contributes to global warming."
Under the proposal, the department in July would reduce the number of fire rings at Alki from six currently to three and at Golden Gardens from 12 to seven.
Then later this year, the department would consider banning bonfires or requiring fees and permits to reduce the number of bonfires next year.
Outlaw jogging, too. You have any idea how much CO2 is pumped out by a human wastefully increasing his metabolism for no good reason?
Better stop sex, too. That's where non-joggers do most of their elevated CO2 production.
Thanks to RobG.