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June 01, 2008
Larry Johnson Claiming Big Doings on Alleged Michelle Obama Anti-"Whitey" Videotape
I didn't believe this before and I continue not believing it. Politics follows the rules of physics, sort of: In physics, if it can happen, it does happen. In politics, if it's out there, it's already out there. No one would or could keep an explosive tape under wraps, and they almost certainly wouldn't wait until Barack Obama has clinched the nomination to release it.
Nevertheless, LJ is making more big claims. Remember, though, he claimed to know all about Karl Rove's imminent indictment, too.
New and dramatic developments. This is a heads up. I’ll post the news Monday morning by 0900 hours. Now I know why people who have seen the videotape say it is stunning. Barack’s headaches are only starting.
That's the entirety of the post. I'll dutifully check in tomorrow, but... Color me skeptical about the "whitey" tape.
Thanks to CJ.
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Roger Stone, professional gadfly, was on Fox saying he's heard that a network already has the tape but who knows.
Hmmm... Well, hah, if any network other than Fox has it, it's pretty much the same as it not existing, IYKWIMAITYD.
I could no more disown my wife than I could my grandmother, or leave my church, or .....
ah, fuck it, rev up the bus again.
-- Barack Obama