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June 15, 2008
Family-Friendly Sex Stores, Wha?
Is this a great state country or what?
Unlike the older sex shops, which are dark and dingy, the Babeland store has upbeat music, well-dressed saleswomen and infant changing tables -- marketing itself as a fun place for couples to shop. It's part of a growing trend that has been spreading from Louisville to Los Angeles in an attempt to take take the sleeze [sic] out of this part of the sex industry.
When asked for her opinion on the store’s location, Lisa — who declined to give her last name— didn’t know the store’s name or what it sold, but deposited her young son on the front stoop so she could take a quick peek inside. She declared it “tastefully done” when she came back out.
“I think the ladies are going to be pretty excited about it, and I’m sure there are some gentlemen who will be as well,” said Zukerman. [Heh.]
Amanda Asrelsky, an employee of the neighboring maternity-wear store Bump, said sex is a natural thing that should be fun. [Oh, it's that kind of neighborhood. Why didn't you just say so?]
Hat tip to Kevin, who said tongue-in-cheek, I think: "Sweet Jeepers! We Really Are Morally Bankrupt Aren't We?"

posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:18 PM
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