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June 29, 2008
Letting Everybody In On The Joke
There Were Some Bruised Feelings
It's hard to believe, after some of the flamewars we've had over the years, that our virtual selves aren't outfitted with alligator hide.
But we aren't. Last night, Stinky Esposito literally insulted everybody on the blog with one comment.** Because of a nifty little script on the new site that reads your cookie and inserts your blog-name there. So when the comment appears, everyone will see their own name in the sentence.
Goes like this: [ you ]
But with no spaces.
If you delete all your cookies and then view the page again, instead of your name, you will see simply the word 'you' in all the areas your name had been inserted.
As soon as you post another comment, whatever name you put in the name field will again be inserted.
I felt hurt and sad when Stinky said those terrible things to me last night.
Then I noticed everybody else was acting just as horrified, and wondering what they did to get singled out, and giving him shit.
So it became kind of funny.
You may consider this thread a place to play with the feature, tell stories about each other, and flame all your fellow morons by name in one fell swoop. Kind of a twist on the ol' flame war concept.
I'm going to see if it works in a main page post. If it does, you should see your handle here: [you]
**only shows up and only works on the new site.

posted by Laura. at
04:08 PM
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