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June 03, 2008
The Last Stupid Primary Returns Thread
Note: Liveblog box removed from this post and made into its own post, above, because of complaints the liveblog interfered with normal commenting.
We're Gonna Lose: Bruce is inspired by McCain's signature weary, wistful, and weird speaking style.
And of course his inability to excite the Republican base.
Polls close in SD in a half hour, I think, and then in Montana later.
Obviously it's already over. But I guess... just for ceremony's sake.
And... McCain Up, Being Introduced by Bobby Jindal: Uggh. I like McCain so much better when I don't have to look at him or listen to him.
So instead here's Kylie Minogue's ass:
That's from a Daily Mail piece called "The Rise of the Freemale," which is about the brand-new trend of women who don't want to get married but prefer instead the freedom of looking back over your arched back while wearing hot pants.
Freemales. Good Lord.
I always like how wonderfully shameless the British papers are about running T&A pictures on any pretext at all.