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June 18, 2008
Democrats…Rudy Had A Pre 9/11 Mindset Prior To Um, 9/11
This morning Giuliani went after Obama and his 9/10 mindset.
“These are not isolated criminal acts,” Giuliani said. “They are a loosely defined conspiracy and an act of war. For Sen. Obama to suggest ’93 is the best example of how to deal with this is a good example of him wanting to go on defense.”
He added, “The real problem with Sen. Obama’s answer is he seems to think the 93 situation was correctly handled. It’s the failure to recognize that you had to go further than.” He said it was treated as “a criminal act” when it should have been treated “as an act of war. We didn’t recognize that even as late as the Cole. …It seems to me Sen. Obama is of that mindset.”
Now the Obama/DNC team responds.
In an e-mail, entitled, “Giuliani v Giuliani: 1993 World Trade Center Bombing Case,” the Obama campaign points out that in 1993, Giuliani said at the time, per the New York Times, March 5, 1994: “Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani declared that the verdict ‘demonstrates that New Yorkers won't meet violence with violence, but with a far greater weapon -- the law.’”
Also from that day’s Times: “Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani said he hoped that the verdicts would lessen tensions rather than increase them. ‘It should show that our legal system is the most mature legal system in the history of the world,’ he said, ‘that it works well, that that is the place to seek vindication if you feel your rights have been violated.’”
Yes it would have been helpful had Rudy and lots of people (hello Bill Clinton!) had learned the lessons of the first WTC attack but they didn’t. Does that mean after 9/11 Rudy should have stuck to his law enforcement first stance?
It seems Obama and his people are proud that they, unlike Rudy haven’t changed their position in light of 9/11 which was, um, exactly what Rudy was saying was the problem.
It’s one thing to have a quick response team but you don’t win any points for responding in a way that makes you look stupid, no matter how quickly you do it.

posted by DrewM. at
01:15 PM
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