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June 13, 2008
Battlestar Galactica: Revelations Discussion Thread
This is the mid-season finale and probably the last episode of 2008. As I wrote on Wednesday, it's a good one.
There is no nefarious purpose to dragging out the end of the show this way. The real reason is that Season 3 did very poorly when it went up against the fall network programming last year. In fact, there were a few questions about whether the show would be renewed for a final season. Since the writer's strike made it impossible to complete the show this summer, SciFi execs want to hold off until it can be assured of reasonable levels of viewership. Viewership, of course, translates into better advertising revenue.
September and October are out because of network competition. November and December are out because of the holidays. That makes late January the most likely time to start showing the final episodes especially because sweeps is moved to March next year. I suspect that the three-hour series finale will be timed to to coincide with sweeps. The Caprica pilot may air at the same time. (The other possibility is showing it in early December, which is when SciFi likes to show miniseries and one-offs.)
Spoiler Policy: Anything from the miniseries and the show up to and including tonight's episode is fair game; no need to warn or in some way obscure text for anything that comes from that material. However, anything you may have heard about future episodes should be kept to yourself. Thanks.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:56 PM
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