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June 21, 2008
Star Wars Obama Crawl [dri]
I fell upon this mindless site that allows you to create Star Wars type word crawls using whatever text you choose. The amount of characters allowed is limited to 650 including spaces so you don't have much to work with. Still it's a fun way to waste 15 minutes of your life. My creation is below the break.
The site has been closed. The following message is all that remains:
This site has been closed.
"LucasFilm has asked us to remove this site, as they felt it infringed on their properties. We have enjoyed seeing the tens of thousands of users over the past several days, and thank you for your interest. "
I would like to thank the 35,000 people who viewed the Star Wars Obama Crawl while it lasted.

posted by xgenghisx at
08:35 PM
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