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June 21, 2008
Left Claims Scalia Lied in Stating That Terrorists Released from Gitmo Went Back to Terrorizing
Actually, they phrase it in a carefully-limited way: No released terrorists, they say, have been proven to have attacked Americans, claiming that this refutes Scalia's claim, though Scalia actually said they had "returned to the battlefield," and did not specify the exact nationality of innocent civilians murdered by released terrorists. That allows them to ignore or pretend to not have noticed this Washington Post report of a former Gitmo detainee who just recently murdered innocent Iraqis in a Mosul suicide bombing.
If he didn't kill an American, that was purely happenstance; obviously he was not blowing random people up with the express intent of not killing Americans.
Even taking their deceptively limiting claim about "attacks on Americans" at face value (and I don't see why we should), there is that little problem of released detainees re-joining the Taliban to take part in "anti-coalition militant activity." In case the left hadn't noticed, America is part of the coalition in Afghanistan.
The worst part is that this dishonest report comes from Seton Hall law professors. I expect all sorts of dishonesty in politics, but professors, and especially law professors, are supposed to be concerned about perjured testimony.
Thanks to CJ.