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June 20, 2008
Silly: Left Freaks Out Over McCain's "I Didn't Really Love America" Statement
The full quote is obviously intended to show how much he loves America: "I didn't really love America until I was deprived of her company," that is, until he was held as a captive by the North Vietnamese in solitary confinement for five and a half years. (Link Fixed.)
The left is attempting to claim this is the equivalent of Michelle Obama's remark. McCain's statement? I didn't really (that is, wholly and completely) love America until it was taken away from me and I could reflect on all its greatness.
Michelle Obama's? I was never proud (not "really" proud, but proud at all) of my country until I had the chance to be one of the most politically powerful leaders in the country.
They seem kind of different to me. McCain's statement is about appreciating America for what it is; Michelle Obama's is about appreciating America for what it will give to her and her husband (oh yes-- and Michelle Obama's children; how could I forget them?) and no one else at all.