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June 12, 2008
Punked: School Teachers Tell High School Students That Several of Their Classmates Were Killed in Horrific Car Accidents... But They Weren't
The students were horrified, and then angered when they learned it was just a "Scared Straight" type hoax.
Administrators were happy the students were traumatized. "That's how they get the message," one said.
Yes, that message being that adults in positions of authority routinely lie to you and intentionally mind-fuck you in order to get you to comply with their preferences of behavior.
They got that message.
But I don't see how that's helpful.
If they're lying about this, who knows what else they're lying about?
Hell, maybe alcohol really doesn't impair your driving skills all that much. Maybe drugs aren't that dangerous, and maybe unprotected sex is a pretty sweet idea.
Deliberate liars can't "teach lessons" because they have no credibility.
I can't believe how stupid people can be.
On the Other Hand... All that PC anti-American bullshit these assholes teach?
I guess their credibility is lowered quite a bit there, too.
So maybe they taught them the most important lesson of all: Don't trust group-think arrogant liberal social-engineering three-credits-in-behavioral-psychology douchebags, no matter how presumptuous and condescending they might be about their imagined moral and intellectual authority.
I can live with that.
More such lessons, please! We need these kind of teachable moments throughout the country.