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August 13, 2012
David Brock Releases 290 Page Opposition Research Dump On Ryan; Media Now Has Its Talking Points
Is this...
...in any way related to this?
I don't know; I haven't read the oppo dump yet. But this is the sort of shoddy smear Media Matters specializes in.
And I do know that Brock finds most of the media, especially the online media, an easy turn as far as getting his crap out there. An old piece from the Daily Caller featured a Media Matters insider talking about friendly forces in the media.
MSNBC: “If we published something about Fox in the morning, they’d have it on the air that night verbatim.”
Washington Post: "Greg Sargent [of the Washington Post] will write anything you give him. He was the go-to guy to leak stuff." "We’ve pushed stories to Eugene Robinson and E.J. Dionne [at the Washington Post]." "they knew they could dump it at Plum Line [Greg Sargent’s Washington Post blog], so that’s where they sent it.”
Huffington Post: "The HuffPo guys were good, Sam Stein and Nico [Pitney],” remembered one former staffer. “The people at Huffington Post were always eager to cooperate..."
LA Times: "Jim Rainey at the LA Times took a lot of our stuff"
San Francisco Chronicle: "So did Joe Garofoli at the San Francisco Chronicle."
The New York Times: "Brian Stelter at the New York Times was helpful."
Politico/Buzzfeed: “Ben Smith [formerly of Politico, now at BuzzFeed.com] will take stories and write what you want him to write,” explained the former employee, whose account was confirmed by other sources."

And: Andrea Mitchell doesn't even need talking points. She just makes them up herself.