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November 16, 2004
There's Hope For Me Yet
Funny eBay ad:

If you agree with me that the new 7 series looks like a Maxima then this is your chance to own the best example of an e38 body style you will ever find. Originally priced at over $92,000! Before I owned this car I couldn't get a date to save my life. Now, I am dating a beautiful Russian model. No more Star Trek conventions and Dungeon's and Dragons for me!
Does it really have to be either/or? Seriously. The hot Russian model is nice and all, but I just finally found a miniature that looks like my character is supposed to look.
Thanks to cthulhu, who says he got it from Fark.com.
Thanks to the commenters who filled me in on Fark. It's a funny site. I'll have to check it out from time to time and steal their stuff.