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November 12, 2004
All Your Faux Intellectual Preening Are Belong to Us
Yet another of those "We're sorry, World, Waaaah," dudes, this one who makes a dual statement about intelligence:
1) About the collective intelligence of the left being greater than that on the right;
2) About his own intelligence being approximately equivalent to that possessed by a chicken, and not a particularly bright chicken at that.
Oh, don't listen to me. I'm just jealous to find out the intelligent is not my side.
Update! A reader tips me to what I wanted to do a week ago, if I had any sort of technical savvy or, well, ambition. WereNotSorry.com tells the world that, um, we're not really very sorry at all.
If fakey-lesbian pics worked for Wonkette, why not for these guys?

Now that's a little fauxmo action I can get behind.
More on Fan-Fave Femme Fauxmo Wonkette: Apparently Llama Butchers has a poll about which mid-range blogger will be the first to top Wonkette.
The Jawa Report is offered as a choice. So, um, am I.
Personally, I think that's sorta dreaming at this point. The chick is getting 95,000 uniques a day. I hate to say admit this, but Wonkette is, currently, out of my league.
Then again, who knows? Alcohol is the great equalizer.
And I've got plenty of Val-U-Rite discount vodka.