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"Just Let Me Put My Pants On, and Then I'm Going to F--- You Up" »
November 05, 2004
Weekend Guest Blogger
Hoke Malokey tells me he's game to do some guest-blogging here over the weekend, maybe starting tonight at 11. All of you who want to laugh at him for his crybaby defeatism should check in.
I'll be here, too. Unlike the last time he subbed for me, when I was away, I'll actually be home and blogging. So, it'll just be more weekend blogging.
Not that many of you come here on the weekend anyway, damn it all. You know how upsetting it is to watch that traffic meter fall by more than half on Saturday? It's gruesome on my weekly average, I'll tell you that.
I might blog a little, I might blog a lot. I don't know. I feel halfway between totally burned out and punchy enough to want to still keep writing silly shit.
And, from what I undertand, Hoke owes somebody a ham.