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November 17, 2004
Bush Pardons Two Thanksgiving Turkeys
This is when I start to get mad at Bush for being a squishy faux-conservative.
Look, these bastards knew what they were getting into. Do a man's crime, do a man's time. Let 'em dangle.
The bleeding hearts will read this as some sort of a victory. I'm more concerned about these blackhearted fowls' next victims -- and there will be more victims, of course.
Can Bush "pardon" them, I wonder, once they're found raped and butchered in an auto junkyard? I think not.

Do you want it living in your neighborhood, Mr. President?
It's a white turkey, by the way. What kind of message does this send?
I'm sorry, but that's just the way I feel. I'm a lunatic with a keyboard.