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November 23, 2004
Adam Nagourney: Still Cocooning
New York Post: W. Soars in Post-Vote Poll
AFP: Bush Popularity Rises In Post-Election US
Adam Nagourney of the NYT: There's a Sale at Penny's!
No, wait, that was somebody else. Here's Adam Nagourney, the NYT's go-to man for cocooning the Times' liberal readership in pleasing deceptions:
Americans Show Clear Concerns on Bush Agenda
Now, the New York Times is a different poll (always skewing liberal), and they didn't find as much as a Bush bounce as the Gallup Poll. Still, Bush rose in their poll too; Nagourney just makes you wait a while-- until after the jump, perhaps? -- to tell you that:
And even after this tense and vituperative campaign, 56 percent said they were generally optimistic about the next four years under Mr. Bush. Mr. Bush's job approval rating has now inched up to 51 percent, the highest it has been since March.
Ninth paragraph. Before revealing that discomfiting little tidbit, Nagourney has to tell you such important stuff like:
* 70 percent of Mr. Kerry's supporters said they were more worried about candidates who "are too close to religion and religious leaders" than about political leaders who "don't pay enough attention" to religion
* Seventy percent said they were very or somewhat concerned that television, movies and popular music were lowering moral standards in this country.
etc. Remember, Nagourney is the guy who buried the lede of the pre-2002 election poll -- showing a big and decisive swing to the Republicans -- in order to tell us that the country was still divided or some stupid crap like that. You know-- stuff that's always true. Sort of like "Americans Show Clear Concerns on Bush Agenda."
He only has two headlines:
Bush's Job Approval Falls, for when it falls, of course; and
68% of Americans are still not buying whatever Gerard Depardieu is selling, whenever Bush's job approval actually rises.
This is senseless. You're not doing your readers any favors by coddling them with happytalk and lies, Adam. If Times readers are so damned enlightened and educated, I think you can trust them to handle the news that Bush is polling pretty well right now.