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May 03, 2012
Top Headline Comments 5-3-2012
Good morning to the horde! Filling in for Gabe this morning, who is getting something called sleep, I can offer you all a new poll out of Quinnipiac that has shown Mitt Romney bouncing back hard (from their previous round) in Florida, leading the President 44-43. He has also cut his deficit in Ohio to just two points, 42-44, making this the closest match-up there in months. Per the university Obama does manage to pull ahead further in Pennsylvania, nearly reversing last month's results. Always an odd man out in their releases. Overall, however, looks like Mitt Romney has improved his standing in several critical states, mostly thanks to now clinching the nominee and reducing the not-Mitt Republican vote, but Quinnipiac suggests another factor has come into play:
Romney's ability to cut into the president's leads in Ohio and Florida reflects ...changes in the political environment: ...voter optimism about the economy has leveled off, reflecting economic statistics over the past month and the public reaction to them.