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Overnight Open Thread (5-31-2012) »
May 31, 2012
Live Wisconsin Recall Debate, Streaming, Now
Walker v. Barret, on the internet.
Robert Costa at NRO predicted (via this Hot Air post that Barrett would shift the debate from collective bargaining reforms to Walker's status as a rock star of the right. We'll see if that works.
And Bill Clinton will be campaigning for Barrett this weekend. Allah takes this to mean Democrats think they're close, or else, the thought goes, Clinton wouldn't risk his reputation on a likely failure.
I dunno. Seems like if you need a high-profile Democrat to risk some capital on a likely loss, you'd go to the guy whose elective career is over.
Star Khan Reince Priebus: "Lights Out For Obama" if Walker Prevails in Wisconsin: A lot of the marbles are riding on this one.