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May 31, 2012
Disaster In Boston
David Axelrod has been dispatched to Boston to deliver a press conference at the State House. This is not just an ordinary campaign launch; it is calculated as a symbolic blow against Romney right in his former stomping grounds.
Naturally, the lefty base in a blue city in a blue state have assembled in droves to welcome Mr. Axelrod.
Not so much.
Romney supporters have swarmed the State House, to the chagrin of the Obama staffers and the detriment of any photo-op Axelrod may have wanted to create.
For pic after pic of Romney supporters ruining the day for Obama's campaign staff, see Ryan Williams' twitter feed this morning.
Ryan Williams @RyanGOP
.@DavidAxelrod forced to walk through the crowd of Obama Isn't Working protesters to get to the podium.

Crushed. This moment, it is lost to them.
Tipped from Slublog, who remarks that this "...makes me feel a bit...optimistic about the Romney campaign's organizational skills..."
Oh, my yes.

posted by Laura. at
12:24 PM
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