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May 01, 2012
Five Anarchist Terrorists Arrested For Plot to Blow Up Cleveland Bridge
Confirmed: At Least Two of the Bombers Are Occupy Organizers
Enemies, both foreign and domestic.
A mohawk-wearing anarchist nicknamed "Cyco" was among five men arrested after allegedly conspiring to blow up a bridge about 15 miles south of Cleveland[:] the Brecksville-Northfield High Level Bridge, which spans the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and carries a four-lane highway.
The men were arrested Monday evening in an FBI sting, but posed no real danger to the public because the explosives were inert and were controlled by an undercover FBI agent, the bureau said in a statement.
CNN refuses to mention the Occupy movement that Obama and Nancy Pelosi embraced -- but surely these men were involved in that movement...?
Morgan Richmond notes the an anarchist website (not associated with the terrorist would-be bridge bombers) has made its ambitions clear enough.
If we don�t fight back, the crisis may drive a permanent decline in our standard of living, deepen the domination over the oppressed, and widen the gaps in American society.
And how to "fight back"? Through community organizing, of course.
Until people take to the streets and assert their power, we have to help lay the groundwork. We need to be immersed in working class communities, helping to build struggles against exploitation and oppression in workplaces, housing, education, neighborhoods, and our homes. We are not in a permanent state of agitation though; fights will pick up and cool down. We need to build intermediate organizations that live through the ups and downs of these struggles. Intermediate level organizations can group together organizers who become conscious and committed to a more equal and just vision of society in organizing, and stay committed to helping others fight back around concrete issues in their daily lives.
For some reason they run a picture of an anarchist poised to club "Friday" singer Rebecca Black over the head.
30 years later, and Obama is still pallin' around with terrorists.
by @slublog
Two Bombers Are Occupy Organizers: Via ace researchers Dan Riehl and Liberty Chick.
One of the leaders of the Occupy Cleveland movement, Brandon Baxter, is one of those arrested for today's terrorist plot to bomb a bridge in Cleveland. Occupier Brandon Baxter appears to have gotten the guidance he sought.
OCCUPIED � Occupy Cleveland organizer Brandon Baxter gets some shade in the Occupy Cleveland tent in downtown Cleveland on March 21, 2012. Baxter, one of the few remaining members of Occupy Cleveland�s physical presence downtown, said the group has seen a sharp decline in numbers since last October because of increasing disorganization. �We need guidance,� he said.
Another of today's suspects is Anthony Hayne, named previously in a report on Occupy Cleveland.
�I just want to be very clear: we are not occupying Lakewood,� said Anthony Hayne, who is organizing the information session. Hayne, a Lakewood resident since 2001, said there will be about six or seven members of Occupy Cleveland, which stems from the Occupy Wall Street movement, at the table Saturday.
They had more planned targets, too.
The Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland
The Justice Center in Cleveland
A Cuyahoga County Homeland Security operation called the Northeast Ohio Regional Fusion Center.
An unidentified Ku Klux Klan location in Ohio
An Interstate 480 bridge known as the Valley View bridge.