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Food Thread: Frog Travel Edition »
July 03, 2022
First-World Problems...
Woe is me! There are two crises that are overwhelming the normally even-tempered and staid denizens of Chez Dildo.
Yeah; that is one of the string of sort-of-Edison-bulbs hanging over the patio. But this one is directly above the grill, and it's dirty! What the hell? It's nine feet off the ground. Will I need supplemental oxygen to get up there and clean it?
And look what I found after pondering the unimaginable complexities of a dirty bulb! Yes, that is a broken hinge. But it is riveted into the frame and the door so it is not easily replaced. It still works, but for how long?
I have to go lie down...the pressures of these existential problems are too much for me.