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July 13, 2022
Wednesday Morning Rant [Joe Mannix]
Recklessness Born of Contempt
Another week, another Laptop From Hell story. Unable to control the problem, they've moved apparently to seeding in falsehoods with the main event (see the sidebar) - but the story cannot be stopped and it is essentially Hunter Biden's fault. He is an example of a phenomenon we've seen before, although his case is much more obvious: these people have no respect - for themselves or for others - and behave as if there are no consequences.
The Laptop from Hell itself came from a repair shop because of an unpaid bill, but even that breakdown in reasonable behavior isn't the worst of it. Hunter - though he is merely the biggest example - sends things in plain language via E-Mail. He syncs his illicit photos and non-email communications to public cloud storage. Revelation after revelation has exposed an appalling absence of both common sense and very simple security practices.
The disregard of even simple security protocols is shocking for what it reveals about his mindset. Nobody even remotely worried about getting caught would ever behave this way. Non-connected criminal networks don't do this. Your average mafia don or even street-level dope slinger is much more careful than our ruling-class elites. The continuing evidence of total security failure can only be explained, in my opinion, as a "right of power" kind of attitude. They have the power and they know it, they are unconstrained and they know it, they are free of consequences and they know it, so they behave with the cavalier attitude of men afraid of nothing.
Nobody with a modicum (or is it emoticon) of shame or fear or consideration of consequences would ever behave so recklessly. This degree of disregard for security requires a level of entitlement so great that it speaks to breathtaking levels of contempt. Contempt for the law, contempt for integrity, contempt for ethics, contempt for honesty and, most importantly, contempt for the people and for the country as a whole. Anyone without the requisite contempt would behave carefully. He would use burner phones and local encryption and careful document control. He'd keep track of his things but he would also ensure that his things were useless if he lost them.
The IT departments at major corporations do this. Even Hillary Clinton did this to some degree. The Bidens simply can't be bothered to do so at all. They don't care. They're immune and they know it and no security principles or practices are necessary. It's all just so much overhead in a consequence-free environment. Why bother being constrained by security when nothing bad will happen to you regardless? Who cares about encryption or secure communications or device management or even being careful when you can always just ring up FBI assistant directors and Secret Service agents to run interference and cover for you?
But for me, the real question is "where does it end?" If they were this reckless with their own criminal enterprise, how reckless are they with the big stuff they're running now?

posted by Open Blogger at
11:00 AM
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