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July 25, 2022

Daily Tech News 25 July 2022

Top Story

  • The new seasonal Pepsi flavour here in Australia is lemon. It gets a thumbs up from me, except that if you want to buy it in bottles instead of the more expensive cans, it seems to be in stock in exactly one store in the entire state.

    I have cherry Coke in the fridge - the good stuff made with cane sugar - but I'm drinking the lemon Pepsi instead.

  • Is AMD's Epyc Genoa a fast fast CPU after all? (WCCFTech)

    This article says that the top clock speed for the upcoming 96-core Epyc 9664 is 3.8GHz. That's pretty good for a server CPU - they are clocked far more conservatively than desktop chips.

    It doesn't run all 96 cores at once at that speed though, and the actual speeds achieved in production remain to be seen.

Tech News

  • The Western Digital Black SN770 is a pretty good SSD. (Tom's Hardware)

    Unless you want to do lots of sequential writes in which case it is half the speed of the cheaper Inland Performance drive from Microcenter. (Tom's Hardware)

    Why? No idea. These things are actually very complicated and as well as the usual price/performance/power tradeoffs there are also configuration tradeoffs, where two drives with the same hardware can perform differently in different benchmarks - each walking away with some tests and losing badly in others - due to different optimisation choices.

    And then there's Apple, who tune their SSDs to run fast but simply lose recent data if the power goes out.

  • Speaking of which, Apple fanboys are whining again - still - about not being taken seriously. (Daring Fireball)

    Yeah. I listened to you idiots. I bought a Mac. It cost a small fortune and I barely used it, because Apple deliberately makes getting work done on their computers a living hell.

  • Sony is flagging its own websites for copyright infringement. (TorrentFreak)

    Good. More of this.

    According to the article, Disney and Warner Bros. are doing the same thing.

    At my day job we routinely get these notices from the IP lawyers of big companies who have paid us to set up websites for them. It's always a drama because (a) the datacenter's first response is to pull the plug on that server to avoid any contributory liability and (b) it is impossible to find the right person to talk to to get it sorted out.

  • Actual note from me to ops team: Please remove server xyz from the cluster. It is shit.

Disclaimer: And it was.
digg this
posted by Pixy Misa at 04:53 AM

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