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July 04, 2022
Leftwingers Push "F*** the Fourth" Anti-American Campaign for Independence Day; Pima County (Arizona) Democrat Party Retweets, and Adds, "F*ck the Fourth"
America is back, baby.
I wonder if this stirring of hatred against Fourth of July celebrations has anything to do with the mass shooting. Update on the shooting, via Will: five dead, sixteen shot. I saw an account claiming that the shooter is barricaded in a grocery with hostages but no one else is reporting this so I think it's just internet rumor.

They deleted that tweet and claimed they retweeted a graphic they now realize that some believe was in bad taste.
Pima County Democratic Party
Thread: 1/3 PCDP posted a graphic advertising a women's march which, we agree, was in poor taste. We were eager to share the event, and in our haste we used the graphic provided by the event organizer. That was a mistake, and we will do better.
Pima County Democratic Party
2/3 Make no mistake, however. We support the event which will be on July 4 at 7 pm at Reid Park. The event was organized to help women in our community grieve for the loss of their bodily autonomy, which we consider an elemental right.
3/3 Our posting of the graphic upset some people. We urge you to save your outrage for the women in this state who will die of botched abortions. Arizona is not a good place to be a woman right now.
Note that they are pretending that all they did was retweet a graphic saying "F*ck the Fourth."
They do not acknowledge that they themselves wrote "F*ck the Fourth." That wasn't in a graphic they retweeted. That was the message they wrote themselves and added to the tweet.