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January 20, 2010
Happy Anniversary Mr. President!
It's now January 20th on the east coast. One year ago today Barack Obama took the oath of office and became the 44th President of the United States. 364 days later his presidency as we knew it and he planned it, ended.
Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts (Mass-A-Fucking-Chusetts!) will mark the high water mark of Obama's leftist presidency. Don't get me wrong, he'll still screw things up wherever he can through executive action but the big society remaking legislative agenda of health care reform, cap and trade and immigration amnesty? Dead. The question is will he continue to try and ram those programs through what will be an increasingly hostile Congress (and fail) or move to the center and pass whatever pragmagtic/mainstream liberal policies he can.
My guess is the former.
Obama is a dyed in the wool liberal who knows nothing else. Rudy was on with Sean Hannity today and made a great point...Clinton was able to move right because he had practical experience in running a state and dealing with conservatives in Arkansas. Obama has none of that in his background. He only knows the hard left playbook.
Meanwhile, Scott Brown was able to tap into the anger here in Massachusetts (Mass-A-Fucking-Chusetts!) in a pragmatic way that appealed not only to independents but conservatives as well. If you listened to that speech tonight there was plenty of nods to the middle, to the vast number of independent voters but there was also a lot for hard core conservatives plenty to agree with (tax money for defense from terrorists, not for defense of terrorists, etc). It's a powerful combination and one that, with the right candidates, can be duplicated in states like NY and other traditional Democratic bastions in the coming cycle.
The cheer of "41!, 41!" went up tonight. It was uplifting because of what it means to health care and a host of other issues but it also shows just how far the GOP has sunk.
Tonight in a very unlikely place, a previously unknown Republican state senator began the Republican return from an unimaginably short trip to the wilderness and ended the Obama presidency as we knew it.
That is a good night.

posted by DrewM. at
12:46 AM
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