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January 12, 2010
Overnight Open Thread - Boring Tuesday Edition (Mætenloch)
Good evening morons.
Does the National Enquirer Deserve a Pulitzer for Breaking the John Edwards Baby Daddy Scandal?
Probably, but they'll never get one. According to the book Game Change Edwards' affair with Rielle Hunter was common knowledge among his campaign staff. So it seems clear that the MSM press could easily have broken the story if they had had the slightest interest. Everyone likes to mock the Enquirer but they are actually quite careful with their sourcing and haven't been successfully sued in decades. Plus they have the added distinction of actually making a profit which puts them above most of the MSM.
Update: The Enquirer was also the only paper to cover Bill Clinton's affair. And again in this case the media's non-coverage wasn't due to lack of resources or information - the story was basically sitting in their laps - it was purely a case of self-censorship. No such consideration was given to John McCain when the NYT couldn't wait to print an entire article based on mere suspicion of an affair*.
*And note the weasily note they tacked on a year(!) after the original article denying that they implied an affair. At that point their boyfriend was president so a walk back cost them nothing.
World Suicide Rates by Country
Apparently Belarus and Sri Lanka are very depressing places. And I kind of expected Japan to rate a little higher.
11 Random Observations From the Jack Daniel's Distillery Tour
The most important one being that it's made in a dry county so they can't give you free samples. I've been on the tour twice and it was still definitely worth taking. And yes you can get an olfactory buzz from sniffing the filtering charcoal.
Firm, Full Lips Make You Look Younger?
So maybe it's time for a little collagen.
The Giant Crystal Cave of Mexico
It's also one of the deadliest places on earth with a temperature of 122 deg F and a humidity of 100% - even humans in environmental suits can only survive for an hour or so.
Did Neanderthal Men Wear Makeup?
Okay nowhere in the article do they make it clear how they know that Neanderthal men actually used the powder. And even if they did, why couldn't it have been war paint?
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Tonight's post brought to you by the surprised Chinese sailor:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
09:45 PM
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