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Overnight Open Thread - TGIF Edition (Mætenloch) »
January 15, 2010
Brown internal polling: up by 11 (!?!)
Ace is busy doing blow off a dead hobo's belly so he asked me to post this for him.
According to Geraghty, Scott Brown's internal polls now have him up by 11, which is closer to last night's Pajamas poll than any official media number has been.
Listen, I don't think the election is in the bag, because there are lots and lots of forces trying to pull it one way or the other. But I certainly don't think it's unwinnable for Brown, and even a victory uncontestably outside the margin of fraud is certainly a possibility.
If you're far from MA, keep calm and keep sending money if you can. If you're in or near MA, keep calm and sign up for Brown GOTV if you haven't already. (That means doors this weekend, people.) Whatever happens, if you do what you can there'll be nothing to regret.

posted by xgenghisx at
09:43 PM
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