« Unmitigated Ballderdash: Coakley Hires Franken Recount Shyster, Claiming Vote Fraud or Something |
Oh, My: Frank Luntz Having Trouble Filling His Post-Election Focus-Groups With Coakley Voters: ">I never dreamed I’d see Democrats in Massachusetts embarrassed to admit they’re Democrats" »
January 19, 2010
Hey, Maybe This Has Something to Do With Something Else: Obama Approval Down to 48% in MSDNC Poll; Handling of Health Care at Lowest Level Ever
Just a big pudding of information here.
[O]nly 35 percent say they’re confident the president has the right set of goals and policies, and 54 percent believe he has accomplished “very little” or “only some” of his first-year office goals, versus 45 percent who think he’s accomplished “a great deal” or “a fair amount.”
Overall, Obama’s job-approval rating sits at 48 percent, up one point from the NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey in December. But it’s down from the 60 percent rating he held after taking office.
Attitudes about the economy and the protracted debate over health care appear to be dragging down the president’s political standing, the poll also finds.
Only 33 percent say that Obama’s health care plan is a good idea, compared with 46 percent who believe it’s a bad one.
That result is essentially unchanged from last month's poll. However, the number saying that Obama's health plan is a bad idea has increased 20 percentage points since April, when the public supported the reform effort by a 33 percent to 26 percent margin.
And you know who's fault this is? Martha Coakley's pollsters.
AHFF Geoff, again.