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January 25, 2010
Any guesses what this Manhattan DA does with his spare time
NEW YORK (CBS) Porn star Alexia Moore might offer a "lesbian defense" when confronted with evidence that she offered to have sex with a man for $5,000, a Manhattan district attorney said in court Wednesday.
Quick-thinking Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Daryl Reed noticed that many of the x-rated movies Moore has taken part in were of a Sapphic nature, and wanted to make sure that those in the courtroom realize that she also likes men.
Quick thinking may equate to porn connoisseur and biggest fan, but really that's just speculation on my part. I'm sure he watched all those hours of porn to prepare for trial.
On the other hand, if he can prove a hobo kill and pull a bottle of valu-rite from his desk maybe we should offer him a moron card. It might be handy to have a friend on the inside.
Meh pic at link

posted by xgenghisx at
11:21 AM
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