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January 12, 2010
DSCC Pours $570 K into Mass; SEIU Kicks in $685,000
DSCC kicks in.
The DSCC will launch ads on behalf of AG Martha Coakley (D) as she battles to preserve Dems’ 60-seat majority in the Senate.
The DSCC has purchased $567K in ads in the Boston and Springfield markets, a source tells Hotline OnCall.
The move is the most overt DC Dems have made so far in shoring up their candidate in the race against state Sen. Scott Brown (R), demonstrating the party’s worry that Brown is gaining ground ahead of next Tuesday’s election.
Earlier, the MA Dems, in concert with Coakley’s campaign, launched a 2-day ad blitz in the same 2 markets at a cost of $288K.
SEIU kicks in another $685,000, in a totally legal, non-coordinated sort of way.
Union plans major ad buy for Coakley
January 12, 2010 06:43 PM
A major national union supporting Democrat Martha Coakley is taking out a massive TV ad buy that slams her Republican rival, Scott Brown, for his positions on abortion and climate change.
The ad taken out by the Service Employees International Union, will begin airing statewide tomorrow. The buy size is $685,000, one of the largest of the election.
And look at that, Scott Brown's donation button still works.
Also on the front page: Doug Flutie endorses.
Thanks to TopSecretK9.