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January 14, 2010
Coakley: Catholics Shouldn't Work in the Emergency Room
I repeat: what the HELL is going on in this woman's head?
This was on WBSM 1420AM in New Bedford. Audio is here. This part is at 9:30ish:
Ken Pittman: Right, if you are a Catholic, and believe what the Pope teaches that any form of birth control is a sin. ah you don't want to do that.
Martha Coakley: No we have a seperation of church and state Ken, lets be clear.
Ken Pittman: In the emergency room you still have your religious freedom.
Martha Coakley: (...stammering) The law says that people are allowed to have that. You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn't work in the emergency room.
She knows that there are Catholics in Massachusetts, right? And other religious folks? And folks who may not be religious, but respect those that are? Eeesh.
Massachusetts is the second-most Catholic state. As of 2007 (latest year I could find data (DOC)) Massachusetts had eight Catholic hospitals, sixteen Catholic nursing facilities, and nineteen Catholic-sponsored organizations including hospice, home health, assisted living, and senior housing.
Coakley is an idiot.
Wait, Wait, Wait a Minute [ace]: In Catholic Massachusetts, a woman running for office just said that Catholics shouldn't work in emergency rooms?
Theory: The Democrats realize health care is an almost no-win proposition. They only way to escape damage is to lose their supermajority in the Senate so they can say "We can't pass it."
Has Martha Coakley done anything to undermine that theory?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
08:56 PM
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