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January 25, 2010
Oh Goody, finally Oliver Stone will reveal the "Secret History of the United States" (chad)
Stone was in Bangkok to give a lecture to high school students on the role of film in peace-building as part of a visit organized by the Vienna-based International Peace Foundation.
He said the aim of his documentary, which two historians are helping him with, was to offer a fuller understanding of the 20th century and how some of those lessons may be relevant to President Barack Obama in 2010.
The lessons to be learned? Bankers and the Military are evil.
the German dictator [Adolph Hitler] was ''enabled by Western bankers'' and managed to ''seduce'' Germany's military industrial complex.
source - NY Times (I believe Ace doesn't do NY Times links but it's in the Arts section)
I think Obama has already learned those lessons, so the only secret really is why they keep letting this guy make films?
In the comments CJ says "Anyone who works with him after "JFK" is aiding and abetting a nutcase."
Funny he should mention that because Stone still doesn't get it:
"Stone said Monday he thought it was ''a good thing'' to revisit the JFK assassination. But he came under fire from the historians and film reviewers who contended Stone had fudged facts, invented characters and elevated speculation to truth to support his burning belief that the killing was a high-level government conspiracy.
''It's an amazing story and I did it,'' Stone said. ''I thought I would be respected for it, and I was lambasted in the establishment press. I was called a myth-maker, a propagandist. I didn't see it coming. I thought the Kennedy murder was safe.''
Talk about deluded.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:27 PM
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