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January 31, 2010
Gibbsy: "Oh, Yeah, We're For Sure Gonna Kill KSM"
On the one hand: well, yeah.
On the other hand: trial? What trial? Since the Democrats have made such a ruckus about giving terrorists criminal trials, it behooves them to not undermine the process at every turn, doesn't it?
Obama already fouled that up when he decided that some terrorists would get criminal trials and some would get military tribunals. Why aren't military tribunals good enough for all if they are good enough for some? He pulverised the legitimacy of the military commissions system created by Congress. And now Gibbsy is casting doubt on the legitimacy of the criminal justice system.
Accused Sept. 11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is likely to be executed after being tried and convicted, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Sunday.
What's that I hear? Is that a million voices from the Islamic world screaming "showtrial!"?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:20 PM
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