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On the Ground in Worcester »
January 17, 2010
The Day in Scott Brown News [someone]
The manEwokhunt for Ace goes on, but we've gone the whole day without a designated Scott Brown thread.
There isn't a huge story out there today, but that itself may be the story. Wasn't the Globe or some such supposed to drop some big hit piece on him today? That dog hasn't barked, showing either (1) they've got some shame, (2) Brown's too clean even to make stuff up about, or (3) they realize he'd probably win anyway.
Meanwhile, Obama showed up (his tie couldn't make it, though), couldn't fill the hall for Coakley, and got heckled, otherwise giving a pretty dull speech. Elsewhere Brown did fill his hall -- and more -- and said some good stuff.
Oh yeah, and another Friday poll shows Brown up 51-41.
Update: today's Pajamas poll has Brown up 52-42.
But don't crack the champagne yet, folks. Remember, the point is not just to win but win way outside the margin of cheating. Because if (IF) Brown does win, the bigger the margin the better. We want House Dems being pressured to short-circuit the conference process on ZeroCare to crap their pants and bail.
Tomorrow's a federal holiday. If you're in or around MA, you can and should still volunteer (if you haven't) to knock on doors for Scott Brown. We need every legitimate GOP voter out there on Tuesday.

posted by xgenghisx at
08:37 PM
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