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January 16, 2010
Saturday Haiku Thingy
It's been quite a week, hasn't it?
I'm sitting here on the back steps of the AOSHQ with the laptop, smoking a ciggy and watching Ace and Slublog clean their hobo gaffs and chat (they went on a joint expedition last night).
It's a little chilly, but a beautiful mild Winter morning in New England. My coffee is making little curls of steam, just like the still-warm entrails that Slublog is shoveling into the storm drain right now.
Good day for some not-very literary goofiness. Haiku in 5-7-5 format or Loose Shit, your choice.
lefty dorkwads say
Brown's a closet plutocrat
'cuz he lives indoors
keep fuckin' that chicken
an attorney owns some land
well don't that beat all

posted by Laura. at
10:50 AM
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