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January 28, 2010
Feinstein Offers Obama a Smart Way Out on KSM
Any chance he'll take it?
Andrea Mitchell reports:
Sen Feinstein agrees with Mayor Bloomberg- KSM should not be tried in NYC.says situation changed after xmas day bomber. obama should change
That's smart, because when you reverse yourself, you can't admit you were wrong. (Well, normal people can, but not politicians, and especially not malignant narcissists like Obama.)
You need to say you were right before, but are right now, too, even as you do the exact opposite thing you did before.
You need to ascribe this to a change of circumstance, or a new experience previously denied you. George Bush the Elder did this in his abortion-switch, offering up a child's adopted baby (I think: the "little brown ones" or something) as having opened his eyes to the pro-life POV.
No one really bought it, but, you know: Cosmetic.
So, anyway, there's Captain Wonderful's out.
He won't take it, though.
It might hint that maybe he was wrong, which he never is.
Just ask him.
The press is against him, you know.