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January 09, 2010
Scott Brown Links
Seems a little early in the day for an open thread, so here's a link dump on the Massachusetts special election.
The number one place to get timely and accurate information on the race is William Jacobson's Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion. He's been all over this story from the beginning and is at Brown HQ today. Keep scrolling.
From Ed at Hot Air: "Yesterday, Democrats got so rattled that they began speaking openly of keeping Brown out of the Senate for as long as they could once he wins."
Politico is discussing ways ObamaCare could still pass if Brown wins in ten days. Snowe's name appears.
And here's a news story on the debate between Brown, Coakley, and third-party candidate Joseph Kennedy.
I'm out for a while, so tawk amongst yaselves.
posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:36 PM
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