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January 27, 2010
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
The SOTU is over and the fun finally begins...
The 15 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media
Note that they only counted hawt babes in 'new media' which I think is a fancy term for bloggers who actually make money from it. So alas no Fox News babes. And sadly I recognized only about half of them and that was only with the help of Red Eye. To see what the other side of the aisle has to offer take a look at The 10 Hottest Liberal Women In Politics. Surprisingly enough no eye bleach is necessary. Though I'm not sure I'd consider Meghan McCain to be a liberal - she's more of a RHINO squish.
Ashley Herzog of Townhall.com
Uh Oh - my Monday ONT snark about Obama's Teleprompter may have been noticed
Well I was going to get on the White House watch list eventually anyway. So I guess I will be seeing you guys in the camps. But just so you know, Mr. Axelrod, I am totally willing to sell out other morons for clean underwear, a warmer hut, and extra helpings of YesWeCan gruel.
A Moment by Moment Breakdown of Olberman's Schtick
Phil the News Junkie is apparently a well known radio producer in Seattle who now is blogging and doing the ugly work that other bloggers are too good for. Normally I find Olberman's impression of Edward R. Murrowa hammy actor portraying Edward R. Murrow kind of tedious. But a minute by minute rebuttal makes him more amusing. Maybe if MSNBC added an MST3K-style laugh track to his show they'd discover a whole new conservative audience.
Have a lot of Facebook friends? Scientists say that 150 is the most you can cope with
And not uncoincidentally 150 is probably the upper bound for the tribal groups that humans lived in for most of our history. Of course if you want to find out how many of your FB 'friends' are real friends, just try to borrow some money from them or get a spare kidney. This 150 limit may apply to Twitter as well.
How about a Snuggie for your dog
It'll only cost you $9.99 and their dignity.
Music Geekery: Are most people chord deaf?
Interestingly for me the major and minor triad were very distinct in isolation but less so in the progression which is the opposite what the study found for most people. I've played guitar on and off over the years but I doubt I'm especially gifted musically.
US planning to relax haggis ban
Finally. Because I haven't been getting enough sheep lung and it's put a severe crimp in our haggis hurling league.
Ye Pow'rs, wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies:
But, if Ye wish her gratefu prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!
Reminder: the Yahoo AoSHQ group. You can figure out the rest.
Tonight's post brought to you by Han shot first dammit!:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:35 PM
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