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January 08, 2010
Has Anybody Seen A Lefty Pundit Praise Obama For His Performance Yesterday?
I know some have said, 'gee it's great that He, unlike Bush, is taking responsibility". I'm talking about the full on knob slobbering we usually get.
Take for example this post by Marc Ambinder who the day following the Christmas attack praised Obama to the hilt for not running to the cameras and staying low key. Of course that was 11 days and 6 increasingly serious statements ago but no one ever said the life of the worshipful was easy.
I really wanted to go off on what I thought was Obama's piss poor performance yesterday and hook it to some idiotic liberal praise but not even Andrew Sullivan has taken the bait. The NY Times tried halfheartedly in an editorial but it wasn't what we've come to expect.
Some didn't even try to defend him. The Washington Post editorialized that, "His proposed fixes did not entirely reassure. "
So help me out, where's the full on "Mr. Wonderful was wonderful!!!11!!!" defense we've come to expect? Are the Obama supporters as shocked at how bad he and his team look as we are? Are they just riding out the storm of tough talk and hoping he doesn't actually mean what he says about getting tough?
The absence of full throated lefty love for yesterday's performance strikes me as a dog that didn't bark.
Related enough: A lot of folks on the left seem to be outrageously outraged that Rudy Giuliani said there were no terrorist attacks on US under Bush but we have had one under Obama. Obviously that's wrong but people seem to be making a bigger deal of it than Obama's 'isolated extremist' characterization of Abdulmutallab. Rudy fessed up that he was obviously wrong with in hours but no one seems interested in reminding Obama that he jumped to an erroneous conclusion that he's spent the last 2 weeks backtracking from.
I guess some statements just go down the memory hole.

posted by DrewM. at
04:29 PM
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